What is the Best Oil for Acacia Wood Outdoor Furniture

While acacia is a great choice for outdoor furniture, it is not nearly as durable as teak wood. And often requires protection to keep it in good condition. Most people opt for oil to preserve the texture of the wood and keep it from drying out.

You may be wondering – “what is the best oil for acacia wood outdoor furniture?”. The best oil for acacia wood outdoor furniture are natural drying oils like tung oil. Other options are teak oil, danish oil, and polyurethane.

In this write-up, we will look at the properties of the different oils, how to use them, and when to use them on acacia wood.

Without further ado, let’s delve straight in!

Can you oil acacia wood outdoor furniture?

Yes, you can. Oiling acacia wood furniture helps make it fit for outdoor use by protecting it from water, rot, and sunlight. Like most hardwoods, acacia will fade to weathered gray under direct sunlight when left untreated.

Prolonged exposure to the sun will also result in warping as acacia is highly sensitive to heat. So, it’s always a good idea to have it treated before you use it outdoors.

What is the Best Oil for Acacia wood Outdoor Furniture?

The best oil for acacia wood depends on what the wood is used for. Indoor and outdoor pieces require different kinds of oil finishes. In this section, we will go through the various options available, and which one(s) works best for acacia outdoor furniture.

Tung Oil

Tung oil contains large amounts of fatty acids, which are responsible for its efficacy. These include oleic acid, linoleic acid, and palmitic acid. These acids protect the wood from natural occurrences like water, UV rays, and mold.

Though acacia itself is rot-resistant, coating it with tung oil increases this ability and adds a protective layer that wards off water and UV rays. Thus, tung oil is an excellent choice for acacia wood outdoor furniture.

Besides providing protection, tung oil also enhances the appearance of acacia. It gives it a nearly matte finish with a bit of gloss. As a result, the wood looks more beautiful and luxurious.

It’s worth noting that pure tung oil is somewhat thick, so you may need to dilute it with a thinner or hydrocarbon to make it easier to apply. Curing can take anywhere from 2 weeks to a month.

Linseed Oil

Also known as flaxseed oil, linseed oil is a colorless to yellowish oil derived from ripened seeds of the flax plant.


Pure linseed oil is very slow drying, and if it gets wet before fully drying, mold will grow on the finish. This is because the oil contains proteins that attract fungi.

One way to avoid this problem is to add drying agents to the oil before using it on acacia. Or you can opt for boiled linseed oil, which has a shorter drying time.

Once the curing is complete, linseed oil leaves behind a satin finish with a golden shade that turns amber over time.

Linseed oil is best suited for acacia wood kept indoors, especially wooden utensils that come in contact with food.

While it is able to resist mold, water, stains, and abrasion, it doesn’t provide much UV protection. As a result, it is not suitable for outdoor use.

Teak Oil

Teak oil is a derivative of tung and linseed oil. It should not be confused with oil from the Teak tree. Specifically, the oil typically contains linseed oil, tung oil, varnish, mineral spirits, etc.

The addition of UV inhibitors is the main advantage teak oil has over linseed for acacia wood outdoor furniture.

So, teak oil provides protection from UV rays, stains, scratching, and water. This makes it suitable for both indoor and outdoor furniture pieces.

Like tung oil, it also enhances the look of acacia and leaves behind a stunning walnut-colored finish.

How to oil acacia wood outdoor furniture

Once you’ve known the best oil to use for acacia, the next step is to figure out how to apply it to your wood piece. The steps below describe the general procedure for oiling acacia outdoor wood furniture.

Clean Off Dirt and Stains

Before you start oiling the furniture, get it ready by washing off all dirt and stains on the surface. Doing this makes the oiling process smoother and more effective. Cleaning can be done using mild dish soap and a damp cloth or rag.

Dry the Wood

After cleaning the surface, allow it to dry completely before applying the oil. Not doing this will cause moisture to be locked into the wood grain, and that can make the oil peel off or bubble.

Scuff the Workpiece

Ordinarily, you can skip this step, but if you want to get a smoother and more even result, then this is necessary. Scuffing helps to open up the wood grains, allowing the oil to penetrate more deeply into the wood. Ultimately, this results in a smoother finish.

You can hand scuff or sand with 150-grit sandpaper.

Apply the Oil

Now, it’s time to apply your chosen oil. Dip a clean cloth or rag in the oil and gently apply it to the furniture, following the direction of the wood grain. You can also use a paintbrush for easier access to the crevices.

Allow the coat to dry before applying another. You can apply just one coat to the undersides and maybe two or more to the visible parts.

Before applying the second coat, you may want to scuff the surface lightly with 220 grit sandpaper. This will give you a smoother and more lustrous finish.

If you’re using teak oil, you may not need to sand between coats. This is because teak oil is highly penetrating.

Remember to wipe off excess oil before letting the furniture dry. This will ensure the oil dries faster and more evenly.

NOTE: The steps above may vary slightly depending on the particular oil brand you choose. So, always check the product label for instructions before proceeding. However, the method described above applies to most penetrating oil finishes.

Benefits of Oiling Acacia Wood Outdoor Furniture

Oiling your acacia outdoor furniture offers a number of benefits. They are highlighted as follows:

Rich-looking Finish

Oiling acacia wood helps highlight the color variations in its grain, leaving it with a dark rich reddish finish. So, there’s a change in the original shade from golden brown to a deeper red. This gives the wood a more luxurious look.

So, oiling your acacia furniture will keep it looking fresh and beautiful all through the year. On the other hand, if you fail to oil it, it will become dry and dull.

Protection from the Elements

Despite having its own natural oils, acacia wood still needs to be regularly oiled to protect it from moisture, humidity, and rot.

Oiling also helps to ward off simmering UV rays from the sun. As with most hardwoods, exposing acacia to direct sunlight for extended periods will often result in graying. But oiling the furniture can prevent or delay this process.

Save Money

Instead of throwing away your weathered furniture, you can simply oil them and make them functional again. Besides slowing down graying, oiling can revive old acacia wood that has lost its shine. You can either use tung oil or teak oil.

At the end of the day, you get a more useful life from your old furniture and save money in the process.

How Often Should You Oil Acacia Wood Outdoor Furniture?

We suggest oiling your acacia wood furniture at least once a year or twice to keep it in top condition. It’s also recommended to cover the furniture when you’re not using them for extended periods. You can also bring them indoors, especially during the colder seasons. This will help preserve their shine while cutting down on maintenance.

FAQs – What is the Best Oil for Acacia Wood Outdoor Furniture

Can You Use Danish Oil on Acacia Wood Furniture?

Yes, you can. Danish oil provides better durability and enhances aesthetics when used on acacia wood. It also protects the wood from stains and helps to prevent cracks and scratches.

Can You Use Mineral Oil On Acacia Wood Furniture?

Yes, acacia wood works well with mineral oil. However, the oil is only to be used for indoor furniture. The good thing about mineral oil is that it’s safe and nontoxic. It enhances the natural color of the wood and offers a bit of protection against humidity changes.

Can You Use Lemon Oil On Acacia Wood?

Yes, lemon oil can be used to prevent cracking and shrinking in acacia wood. It also adds a glowing luster and sweet lemon fragrance to the wood. While it does provide some level of water resistance, it is not effective for outdoor furniture. It’s best used for interior acacia wood.

Can I use olive oil on acacia wood furniture?

Yes, Olive oil can be used to nourish and bring out the natural shine of acacia wood. It can also serve as varnish though it doesn’t provide the same level of weather and wear resistance as specially formulated oils or resins.

Can You Put Teak Oil On Acacia Wood outdoor furniture?

Yes, teak oil can be used on acacia wood furniture. When properly applied, it helps to slow down weathering and gives the wood a stunning look. It creates a protective barrier that repels water and spills and blocks harmful rays from the sun.

For best results, you will need to apply several layers of the oil. You can also combine it with other oils or teak sealers to enhance its durability.

Can I put polyurethane on acacia wood outdoor furniture?

Yes, polyurethane can be used to protect outdoor wood furniture from the climate. On acacia, it leaves behind a glossy finish that highlights the natural wood grain.

Before applying polyurethane to your acacia wood furniture, make sure it’s properly dried. It’s also a good idea to apply a wood filler beforehand. This will enable you to achieve a smoother and more uniform finish.

Applying polyurethane on wet acacia wood can lead to cracking or shrinkage.


Hopefully, you now know the best oil for acacia wood furniture, as well as how to apply the oil for the best results. Again, make sure the wood is dry by oiling. This is crucial for achieving a durable and attractive finish.

Regular oiling will keep your acacia piece safe from external harm and maintain its beauty and luster. So, what are you waiting for?